Debt Consolidation Ideas

About Debt Consolidation Ideas

This blog was started to help explain one of the many ways that overly indebted people can dig their way out of debt and start on the road to financial freedom. Debt consolidation isn’t for everyone. Some won’t qualify and some who qualify won’t benefit. But for the right people with the right intentions, debt consolidation can be one of the best ways to get financially fit.

One Response to 'About Debt Consolidation Ideas'

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  1. Corey Fouracre said,

    A friend of mine works for a debt consolidation firm whose internal statistics estimate that 78% of the time, after someone consolidates his credit card debt, the debt grows back. Why? He still doesn’t have a game plan to either pay cash or not buy at all. He also hasn’t saved for “unexpected events” which will also become debt.


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